History of The United States Army's 117th Infantry Regiment

3rd Battalion - K Company

30th Infantry Division



Steve Spicer's Maps of the 117th Regiment in France, Belgium, and Germany


Steve Spicer created a "Google Map" showing the movements of the 117th Regiment in France, Belgium, and Germany.


Click here to view his map: 117th Regiment in France, Belgium, and Germany


Screen shots from the map are shown below



Map Showing Overview of Movements of the 117th Regiment in Europe



Detail Maps


Normandy Landing to Saint-Clair-de-Halouze, France

June 15 Neuilly-la-Forêt, France

Assembly following landing on the beach at Normandy

June 16 Lison, France

Assembly to take up a defensive line along the east bank of the Vire River from Aire [Airel] north to Neuilly la Foret. - approximately 3 miles.

July 7 Crossing the Vire River, France

117th crosses the Vire River at Airel.

July 8-9  Saint-Jean-de-Daye, France, Captured

All three regiments of the 30th Infantry Division attack south and west of the Vire towards Hauts-Vents.

July 11 Capture of Hauts Vents, France

General Hodges mentions in his diary that on the 13th of July:  “XIX Corps: the 30th Div’s 117th Inf advanced to a point 600 years SW of Vents [Hauts-Vents];…”
(Hauts-Vents is a farm just near Pont-Hébert.)

July 14 Le Mesnil-Durand [House of Durand], France

July 14 advance to take up high ground west of ST-LO. (Mesnil Durand is mentioned several times in the AAR, and in the ST-LO book, but is not found on current maps. (“Mesnil” is derived from the Latin mansionile, meaning a small mansion or dwelling. So, we can assume that in the AAR, the writer is saying "the house of Durand."
"The 2nd Battalion advanced to the Terrette River in order to protect the right flank of the Division. The following day, the Regiment (117th) renewed the attack and carried its forward elements from Hts Vents [Hauts Vents] to the outskirts of Mesnil-Durand [not found as a municipality, but the Rue du Mesnil Durand runs southeast from the Vire from Pont Hérbert – possibly a mistake for Le Mesnil-Amey]. Then, it engaged in mopping up and protecting both divisional flanks as well as holding down road blocks and carrying on active patrolling. Two important bridges, on the Terrette River, near Huberderie and Herbert, France, were seized on 18 July by the 2nd Battalion." 

July 18-27 Reserve and Accidental Bombings

For six days the 117th went into Division Reserve.
It was during this period that the 117th was temporarily attached to the 120th and suffered casualties caused by accidental bombing by Allied aircraft during the 25th and 26th. “Le Mesnil Durand was to be its next objective. Having occupied Le Mesnil Durand on the night of 26 July, both battalions reverted to the 117th. [Having been assigned to the 119th and the 120th.]

July 27-28 Tessy-sur-Vire, France

Ordered south 8 miles to capture Tessy-sur-Vire. which was accomplished on July 31 by a combined attack of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 117th.  Bitterly contested by the enemy, more than 200 casualties were suffered by the Regiment. It was the most difficult engagement in which the regiment had participated in to that date.

August 1-3 La Poemelière, France

Broke the enemy line at Le Mesnil Opac, where it fought a fierce engagement for three days, and achieved its objective near Poemeliere on the 2nd, dug in, and the following day was placed in Division Reserve.

August 6 St. Barthélmy, France

By August 6, the entire 30th Division was on the road heading towards Mortain to relieve positions previously held by the 1st Infantry Division. The 117th Regiment settled into position around St. Barthélmy. While the 119th was retained as strategic reserve along the ridge road west, while the 2nd Battalion of the 120th moved onto Hill 314, the 1st occupied Hill 285. By nightfall all were where they were supposed to be, albeit under strength by about 1,000 men from normal strength of 9,000. (Collins, pgs 137-8)

August 7-13 St. Barthélmy & Mortain, France

The 117th faced the enemy attack in force, in a Hitler ordered drive to the sea meant to split Allied forces. The spearhead of this blow was directed at the 117th Infantry. The 2nd Battalion of the Regiment, less “G” Company, was attached to the 120th Infantry during this period. The remainder of the 117th Infantry was practically isolated on the ridge, and the enemy succeeded in breaking through the forward defenses of the 1st Battalion.

“Aiming at muzzle flashes, U.S. tank destroyer crews here demolished a Panther with a 3-inch slug at fifty yards, then another at thirty yards, both slewed across the road, burning with white fury. GIs at one roadblock let the panzers roll through, then butchered the grenadiers trailing behind. The 1st Battalion of the 117th Infantry suffered 350 casualties and retired to a hillside a thousand yards west of St. Barthélmy, but the German offensive had been delayed six hours, with forty panzers soon crippled.”

August 8-15 Saint-Clair-de-Halouze, France

Reinforced by the 12th Infantry Regiment, the 117th re-occupied St. Barthélmy. By the 15th had gained objective near St. Claire D’Halouse, approximately 12 miles to the east, where it set up a defensive line for three days


August 19 to 30, 1944

August 19 Brezolles, France

Following the Battle of Mortain, the 117th travelled 130 miles east to an assembly area  at Brezolles.

August 24 Évreux, France, Liberated

From 20 August 1944 to 24 August 1944, the 117th Infantry, less the 3rd Battalion, was in Division Reserve. However, the 30th Infantry Division was advancing northward toward Évreux, France, and the 3rd Battalion of the 117th Infantry was protecting the left flank of the Division. Little opposition was encountered, and on 24 August 1944, the 3rd Battalion of the 117th Infantry liberated the town of Évreux, France.”

August 25-26 Advance to Mantes-la-Jolie, France

“On 25 August 1944, the Regiment made and uncontested advance to the vicinity of La Chapelle, France. The next day it moved to an Assembly Area at Mantes, Gassicourt, France.  It was a major assembly point for the U.S. Army to make the first bridgehead across the Seine.
On 27 August 1944, the troops crossed the Seine, gaining their final objective near Lainville by nightfall. The attack was resumed on the 30th of August. Vallanganjard, France, was reached before dark and the following day the troops fought their way east to the town of Mello.”

August 27 Lainville-en-Vexin, France 

On the 27th the 117th crossed the Seine and drove towards Lainville

August 30 Vallangoujard, France

The 117th entered Vallangoujard.

August 31 Mello, France

The 117th entered Melo.


September 1944 to October 1944

September 5-7 Lauminais and Ceroux-Moustie, Belgium

The regiment marched to Lauminais, Belgium, and then motored ninety miles more to an assembly near Ceroux-Moustie, Belgium.

September 8-11 Houtain-Saint-Siméon, Belgium

Gas was short so the 117th hiked for three days winding up at Houtain-St. Simeon on the 11th.

September 12-18 Across the Meuse and Albert Canal to Maastricht, Netherlands

On 12 September, the 117th crossed the Albert Canal and Meuse River in force near Hermalle Sous, Belgium, and drove north through Vise. “A” Company enters Holland near St. Geertrudi, becoming the first American troops to enter Dutch frontiers. By nightfall obtained its objective near Elkelrade, Holland. The 117th gained objectives near Cadier-en-Keer, Holland, and later liberated Maastricht by the 18th.

September 18 Heerlen towards Nieuwenhagen, Netherlands

 The 117th attacked northeast through Heerlen advancing to the vicinity of Nieuwenhagen. 

October 2 Geilenkirchen, Netherlands

“At the day’s end, leading elements of the 30th Division – represented by the 117 and 119th Infantry had progressed to a point 600 yards east of the main railroad line running south from Geilenkirchen. Opposition from the pillboxes was consistently heavy throughout the day and the artillery and mortar fire were strong.” (Hodges, Normandy to Victory, page 141.) 

October 3 Marienberg-Palenberg Bridge, Germany

The Marienberg-Palenberg bridge was crossed by the 3rd Battalion on October 3. (from an Interview with Lt. Col. McDowell)

October 3-4 Übach-Palenberg, Germany

The 3rd Battalion crossed the Marienberg-Palenberg Bridge of its objective, Ubach. Having entered Germany, the 3rd Battalion was in a house-to-house battle for Ubach, the Germans counter-attacking on the 4th. 

October 7-21  Fall of Aachen, Germany

The 117th participated in the capture of the City of Aachen, Germany, making it the first city in Germany to fall. While the 30th Infantry Division’s 119th Regiment, along with units from the 20th and 99th Infantry Division took the attack south to meet the German counter-attack begun on October 11th, the 120th and 117th Regiments pushed the German line to the southeast through Alsdorf. The attack was successful with elements of the 1st Infantry Division, but cost the XIX Corps over 400 dead and 2,000 wounded, with 72% of those from the 30th Division. The bitter house-to-house for fighting finally won Aachen on October 21, costing both sides dearly, the Americans suffering over 7,000 casualties, 3,000 of those from the 30th Division since October 2.



November 1944 - December 1944 -  Battle of the Bulge

November 1-15 Defense along a line running from Schaufenberg, Alsdorf, to Kellersberg, Germany

From Nov 1 to 15 the 117th Regiment maintained an active defense along a line running from Schaufenberg, Alsdorf, to Kol Kellersberg [Kellersberg] Germany. Deep penetrations by reconnaissance elements were made repeatedly into enemy territory.

November 16-17 Mariadorf, Germany

In a perfectly conducted attack, the regiment attacked Mariadorf, Germany. It encountered dense enemy mining and artillery fire causing a number of casualties. The attack resumed on the 17th and the 1st Battalion cleaned out the remainder of the town and progressed 700 yards (about a third of a mile) beyond the Aachen-Cologne Highway against stubborn resistance. 332 prisoners were taken in the two days of fighting.

November 18 Warden, Germany

1st Battalion attacked the town of Warden, Germany, the attack initially thwarted by heavy enemy artillery which saw Company “B” alone losing more than seventy men in an afternoon renewal of the attack. Company “F” responded with a coordinated attack on the town against the enemy in concrete emplacements, houses as strong points, supported by at least four direct-fire assault guns. Nevertheless, the key town was seized in bitter house-to-house fighting. Another 209 prisoners were taken in addition to tons of ammunition and two self-propelled assault guns.

November 19 Kinzweiler & St. Joris, Germany

2nd Battalion passed through the 1st Battalion and attacked south in the direction of Kinzweiler, Germany.

November 19 St. Joris

Simultaneously with the attack on Kinzweiler, the 3rd Battalion attacked St. Joris. Both objectives were taken within thirty minutes with light casualties. 223 prisoners were taken.

November 20 -  December 16 Rest & Training

During this period the 117th Infantry constituted Corps Reserve near Mariadorf. The battalions alternated in going back to a Rest Camp at Kerkrade for well-earned periods of relaxation.

December 16 Battle of the Bulge Begins - The 117th Blocks Roads

The 117th was in Rest Status for nearly a month at Mariadorf until December 16 when it rushed about 25 miles south to take up defensive positions around the southeast edge of Malmedy. A few miles northwest of Malmédy, on the road to Francorchamps, was the location of Depot Number 3, a huge allied fuel dump that contained 997,730 gallons of gasoline - more than enough to get the attacking German tanks all the way to Antwerp. It was only being guarded by a handful of poorly-equipped Belgian soldiers. The 117th Infantry Regiment immediately got to work setting up roadblocks and preparing to meet the SS; while 3rd Battalion of the 117th set up those roadblocks, 1st Battalion of the 117th moved past the fuel dump in Francorchamps and disembarked a few miles north of Stavelot, roughly five miles southwest of Malmédy."

December 18-19 Malmedy, Belgium

The 120th Infantry Regiment (30th Infantry Division) proceeded to Malmedy. “Spa, Malmedy and Stavelot form a rough triangle of roads suitable for an armored force to use in a winter offensive. Stoumont lies further west along the road running through Malmedy and Stavelot. Von Rundstedt planned to use these roads for the main German thrust to Liege where the Allies had huge stores of fuel, ammo and essential supplies. Thus the Germans would split the Allied forces and push on to recapture the port of Antwerp.

“During their drive to the front lines, the men of Old Hickory first heard Axis Sally call them the “fanatical 30th Division, Roosevelt’s SS troops.” She also told them they would once again face the 1st SS Panzer Division spearheaded by Lt. Colonel Joachim Peiper. This was the same division they had stopped at Mortain months before.” 

December 18-19 Stoumont, Belgium

"The 117th Regiment encountered the enemy first near Stoumont in route to their assignment of Stavelot. The 120th proceeded to Malmedy while the 119th took up positions near Spa, where First Army Headquarters was being hastily dismantled and moved to the rear." 

December 18-19 Stavelot, Belgium

The 1st & 2nd Battalions advanced toward Stavelot.

December 8-19 Spa, Belgium

The 119th Infantry Regiment (30th Infantry Division) took up positions near Spa, where the First Army Headquarters was being hastily dismantled and moved to the rear.

December 19-26 La Gleize, Belgium

The 3rd Battalion was directed to recapture the town of La Gleize, Belgium. The intense fighting in this triangle with counter-attacks by the enemy lasting until the 26th.

December 26  Americans Win Battle of the Bulge

By 26 December 1944, the Nazi bulge into Belgium was firmly held and the 117th Infantry had practically wiped out an entire German SS Regiment. Not many prisoners were taken but enemy dead filled the forests, the fields, and the river. In the Regimental Sector alone, twenty-two tanks were knocked out, twelve half tracks, thirty-two trucks, and seven guns of various calibers were destroyed, in nine days fighting.



January 1945 - St. Vith - Repulsing the Germans

January 6-7 Trois-Ponts (117th)

On January 1 the 30th Division front line extended from a point slightly east of Malmedy to a short distance west of Stavelot. Extremely deep snows, roads covered by ice and flanked by 6-foot snow drifts. The high ground was occupied by the Germans. It was necessary to cross the Amblève River between Trois-Ponts and Stavelot, Belgium. Undercover of dark foot bridges were constructed across the river and Company G, 117th Infantry crossed the river under cover of darkness, and by 0700 the entire regiment was over the river and had taken up positions in the corner enclosed on the north by the Amblève and on the east by Salm River. The attacks next came southeast to Wanne. Objective villages lay to the southeast, Wanne, Aisômont, Wanneranval, Bouyin, Le Bairsoû and Spineux. In this two day period, the enemy had been cleared out of the Salm-Amblève pocket and the first step had been taken in the rapid, relentless drive of the 30th to the vicinity of St. Vith.

January 6-7 Objective: Wanne

The 117th takes Wanne.

January 13 117th, 119th and 120th Regiments Attack

119th Regiment attacked south in what was to become a very costly offensive. (The offensive to St. Vith by the 30th Division was two pronged, east (119th and 120th) and west (117th) and it was the eastern prong that suffered the most; the total number for the 120th for the 13, 14, and 15th of January amounted to 450 killed, wounded and missing.)

January 13 Hédomont, Belgium

The 119th was instructed to take Hédomont that night and under cover of heavy artillery barrage it took the town after almost five hours of steady fighting in the early hours of the 14th the 3rd Battalion was in possession of the city.

January 14 Ligneuville, Belgium

The 2nd Battalion of the 117th attacked south with Ligneuville as the objective. “Moving south toward Ligneuville from Houyier, the 2nd Battalion, 117th Infantry, avoided being observed to any great degree by advancing along the west side of the Malmedy-Ligneuville road. The trees were thick, the knee deep snow drifts were higher by 3 or 4 inches more of snow that had fallen during the night and communication was difficult. At 1200 hours, 14 January, the battalion was in the outskirts of Ligneuville. The were met by scattered units that were displaced in the stone buildings of the city. Fire fights continued throughout the afternoon in the city of Ligneuville, but by 1600 the enemy had been driven out. Moving through the city quickly, on the St. Vith road, Company “E” approached the bridge spanning the Abeleve River. The bridge, at 806987, had been prepared for demolition by the Germans, but the Company “E” commander, Capt. George H. Sibbald, cut the wires and led his troops across. With all three companies in the city, the 2nd Battalion, 117th Infantry, consolidated their positions and were not taken unaware by the German counter attack launched at 2000 hours. Estimated at a battalion of infantry and supported by six tanks, the enemy attempted to regain Ligneuville. They were unsuccessful, however, and were forced to withdraw.”

January 15 Thirimont (119th & 120th)

Thirimont falls to the 120th Infantry Regiment of the 30th Infantry Division after several days of very intense fighting. 

January 16 Dillburg (117th)

The 117th attacked south towards Dillburg, locality northeast of Recht. Roadblocks and weather delayed successful advance.

January 19-20 Recht / Feckelsborn (117th & 120th)

The 117th on the right of the 120th prepared to attack Recht and in a very short time the enemy was cleared thanks to the heavy artillery barrage that preceded the attack. Eachelsborn [Feckelsborn] was the next objective. Objectives for the 30th Division were accomplished and they could almost see St. Vith. The enemy began to retreat to St. Vith and then on the 21st large groups of Germans began to evacuate the city to the south. 

January 21 Rodt & Hinderhausen

The 30th Infantry Division had captured Rodt and Hinderhausen northwest of St. Vith on high, dominating ground and the 7th Armored could attack the town proper. Losses were heavy in the 30th Division in the 10 day period from the 13th to the 23rd: 1,151 officers and men killed, wounded or missing plus 707 officers and men listed as non-battle casualties. 

January 26 Grand-Halleux

The 117th was relieved by a regiment from the 17th Airborne and moved to rest at Grand-Halleux.

February 3 Verlautenheide

The 1st Battalion of the117th went to Verlautenheide, Germany, and then to Warden, Germany to train for crossing the Roer which was originally planned for the 10th, but had to be postponed when the Germans flooded the valley. The Division designated the 119th and 120th to be assault troops while the 117th was designated reserve initially.

February 3-23 Warden

The 1st Battalion, 117th trains to cross the Roer. The crossing had originally been scheduled for the 10th, but the Germans blew dams and flooded the valley causing a postponement until the 23rd. 

February 23


Crossing the Roer

The 119th and the 120th Infantry established a bridgehead across the Roer and 117th, initially in reserve, was committed through the forward units of the Division at 4:30 P.M. February 24th. The First Battalion remained in Regimental reserve, and in late afternoon, moved to the 119th crossing site near Schophoven. 



23 Feb - Mar 1945 to the Rhine

February 23 Crossed the Roer


February 25 Hollen, Germany

Hollen was captured on the 25th by Company “G” of the 119th in an action that involved not only the 119th, but also the 120th. Exactly where the 117th was at this point is not completely known but it is evident from the citation for a second Oak Leaf cluster given to First Lieutenant Cyril B. Spicer, jr., that it provided support in this attack.

February 27 Kirchtroisdorf

On February 27, elements of the 83rd Infantry Division and the 2nd Armored Division passed through the 30th Infantry Division to exploit the Roer breakthrough. The First Battalion stayed in Kirchtroisdorf several days.

March 2 Hemmerden & Kapellen

On March 2, word was received that the Germans had penetrated the right flank of the 83rd Infantry Division across the Erft Canal. The 117th was to move up and get the situation under control. The First Battalion en-trucked at 2:00 P.M. and sped north 14 miles, de-trucked and worked their way forward into Hemmerden. They then moved on and recaptured the town of Kapellen, situated on the Erft Canal with Company "B" leading the Battalion attack.

March 6-18 Linne & Roermond

1st Battalion began a motor movement to Linne, Holland then to a point several miles south to Roermond for rest and also for training to assault the Rhine River. 



The 117th boarded the ship Marine Wolf for one of its 52 shuttle operations between Le Havre and Southampton, from which they made the almost five-day trip aboard the Queen Mary on August 17th for New York, a sailing with 14,776 troops. Having been designated to the Pacific, the surrender of the Japanese on the 14th made this moot. The 117th was deactivated at the end of November at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

March 24 Wallach, Germany & Across the Rhine

The 30th Division commander had decided to simultaneously engage all three regiments for the crossing. The 119th began crossing in the north, just southeast of Buderich. The primary thrust in the center was provided by the 117th Infantry Division at the village of Wallach with the 120th attacking two miles to the southeast near a big bend in the river just northeast of Rheinberg. Each regiment used one battalion in the assault. Each assault battalion was organized into four waves with two minute intervals between waves. Each battalion was equipped with 54 storm boats carrying seven men and a two-man crew each, and 30 double assault boats capable of transporting 14 men and a three-man crew.

March 25-26 Hunxe, Germany

After Action Report Interview with Major Julius W. Singleton, S-3, 117th Infantry at Waldeslust, Germany on the 28th of March.  “We moved the regiment into assembly area near Wallach on the evening of 23 March 1945. The 1st Battalion made the initial crossing, taking Ork with Companies A and B abreast. 150 prisoners were captured there. The 2nd Battalion went through Ork and took objective Folly…” Katie, Ginny, Sue, and on the 25th took Anne. Company B went on in and captured the town of Hunxe. At 0200 26 March the 1st and 2nd jumped off for the next objective Sally. (More objectives taken but using objective names not towns.)

March 31 - April 1 Drensteinfurt, Germany

On March 31, 1945, the 117th Infantry Regiment captured the Lippe Canal, then motored 55 miles to Brensteinfurt, Germany [Drensteinfurt]. Here they encountered a mass German surrender with German soldiers, hands up and running towards POW cages in the rear. Here they met the first of the streams of allied prisoners, thin as skeletons, liberated from German prison camps along with laborers from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Russia, and France.

April 7 Hamelin, Germany

At 06:00 on April 7th, 1945 the 117th Infantry Regiment attacked and took the town of Hamlin, Germany. Hamlin, Germany [Hamelin] is famous for the Brothers Grimm story of the "Pied Piper of Hamlin" a children’s’ fairy tale. Here the Regiment captured hundreds of German soldiers as prisoners of war.

April 13-18 Magdeburg, Germany

"In early April of 1945, the Thirtieth Infantry Division of the US Army National Guard advanced toward the city of Magdeburg, Germany. Under the command of Major General Leland S. Hobbs, their orders were to liberate the citizens of Magdeburg from the tyranny of Nazism that held sway there under Adolf Hitler, who had commanded his generals to continue to fight a war that was already lost. On their way to Magdeburg, the Thirtieth Infantry Division sacked enemy pockets and took the nearby towns of Hamelin on April 7 and Braunschwieg on April 12.
On April 13, 1945, the Thirtieth Infantry Division rolled into the city of Magdeburg; there began the little-known, albeit important, battle at the war’s end, called the Battle of Magdeburg. Did the American soldiers know that some twenty thousand Polish slave laborers were prisoners of Nazism in Magdeburg and the surrounding areas; an estimated total of at least 1.7 million ethnic Poles were held forcibly as slave laborers (Zwangsarbeiter) across German-occupied Europe?
“Unknown to us at the time of the beginning of the Battle of Magdeburg, was the fact that there was a substantially sized slave labor camp housed in the outskirts of the city,” reported First Lieutenant Frank W. Towers of the Thirtieth Infantry Division.
From April 13 to April 18, the Thirtieth fought German forces in fierce scrimmages until they reached the Elbe River, where they met Russian troops headed for Berlin. The Americans took control of the city west of the Elbe, and on April 26, German General Kurt Dietmar surrendered Magdeburg to Major General Hobbs."

April 25 Magdeburg, Germany

"On April 25th, 1945 Lt. Gen. Kurt von Dittmar, German official army news commentator, together with Major Pluskat, Dittmar's son and two orderlies crossed the Eble River. They crossed at Magdeburg in the zone of the 117th's Third Battalion. Dittmar, the German General Staff radio spokesman, crossed in a boat under a white flag. He had come, he said, to arrange aid for German wounded on the east bank of the Elbe. It was then discovered he commanded no troops and traveled to the west without the knowledge of the German commander in that sector. Dittmar was then offered to surrender but he refused. On his way back to re-cross the river he changed his mind and surrendered along with his son and Major Pluskat, an artillery officer."

May - June Oelsnitz, Germany

Conflicting spellings of towns and dates make the final months in Germany for the 30th Division and the 117th Infantry Regiment difficult to determine. Nevertheless, it seems that the 117th waited several weeks in Magdeburg for the Russians to link up and for the British to take command there. In late May, following Germany’s surrender, the Regiment moved to Oelsnitz near the Czech border some 150 miles to the south, while the 119th moved to around Hirschberg and the 120th to an area around Paulen, where they remained for some weeks. 

August 13 Le Havre: to Home

The 117th boarded the ship "Marine Wolf" for one of its 52 shuttle operations between Le Havre and Southampton. From Southampton, they made the five-day trip aboard the Queen Mary on August 17th for New York, sailing with 14,776 troops. Having been designated to the Pacific, the surrender of the Japanese on the 14th made this moot. The 117th was deactivated at the end of November at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.



Additional Pages (Click Below)


117th Infantry Regiment's Military Personnel Records Destroyed

Order of Battle for the 30th Infantry Division

Campaigns in European Theater of War

Significant Combat Events of the 117th Infantry Regiment

Capture of Lieutenant General Kurt von Dittmar
From Normandy to the Elbe Booklet
Sgt. Frank DeClerck - Prayer Going Into Battle

K Company Roster - 117th Infantry Regiment - June 1944 - August 1945

117th Infantry Regiment at the Battle of the Bulge
117th Infantry Regiment World War II Photos
Combat History of First Lieutenant Cyril B. Spicer of the 117th Infantry Regiment
The Breakers,  1942-1943 Yearbook of the 117th Infantry Regiment
Memorial to Corporal Joseph Stanley Jeglinski of  K Company


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Special thanks to Steve Spicer for his permission to use his maps.


© Copyrighted 2007 by Darrel R Hagberg. All rights reserved.

Moline, Illinois U.S.A.

February 24, 2024

Contact darrelrhagberg@gmail.com for more information