History of The United States Army's 117th Infantry Regiment

3rd Battalion - K Company

30th Infantry Division



Campaigns in European Theater of War




Normandy (6 June 1944 - 24 July 1944)

The 30th Infantry Division arrived in England, 22 February 1944, and trained until June. It landed at Omaha Beach, Normandy, 15 June 1944, secured the Vire-et-Taute Canal, crossed the Vire River, 7 July 1944.  

Northern France (25 July 1944 - 14 September 1944)

Beginning on 25 July spearheaded the St. Lo break-through. The day after the Division relieved the 1st Infantry Division near Mortain on 6 August, the German drive to Avranches began. Fighting in place with all available personnel, the 30th frustrated enemy plans and broke the enemy spearhead in a week of violent struggle, 7 to 12 August. The Division drove east through Belgium, crossing the Meuse River at Vise and Liege, 10 September. Elements entered Holland on the 12th, and Maastricht fell the next day.

Rhineland (15 September 1944 - 15 December 1944)

Taking up positions along the Wurm River, the 30th launched its attack on the Siegfried Line, 2 October 1944, and succeeded in contacting the 1st Division, 16 October, and encircling Aachen. After a rest period, the Division eliminated an enemy salient northeast of Aachen, 16 November, pushed to the Inde River at Altdorf, 28 November, then moved to rest areas.

Ardennes-Alsace (16 December 1944 - 25 January 1945)

On 17 December the Division rushed south to the Malmedy-Stavelot area to help block the powerful enemy drive in the Battle of the Ardennes. It launched a counteroffensive on 13 January 1945 and reached a point 2 miles south of St. Vith, 26 January, before leaving the Battle of the Bulge and moving to an assembly area near Lierneux, 27 January, and to another near Aachen to prepare for the Roer offensive.

Rhineland (26 January 1945 - 21 March 1945)

After receiving a well deserved rest, the Division resumed its Rhineland offensive and the Roer River was crossed, 23 February 1945, near Julich. The 30th moved back for training and rehabilitation, 6 March,

Central Europe (22 March 1945 - 11 May 1945)

On 24 March the Division made its assault crossing of the Rhine. The troops were turn loose and pursued the enemy across Germany, mopping up enemy pockets of resistance, took Hamelin, 7 April, Braunschweig on the 12th, and helped reduce Magdeburg on the 17th. The Russians were contacted at Grunewald on the Elbe River.


Occupation Period ( 12 May 1945 - 9 August 1945)

After a short occupation period, the 30th began moving for home, arriving 19 August 1945.


Return Home (10 August 1945 -18 August 1945)

Shortly after the end of their Occupation duties, in early August 1945, the 30th Infantry Division returned to the United States on the Queen Mary and the USS General Black. The 117th Regiment and 120th Infantry Regiment sailed on the Queen Mary to New York while the 119th sailed on the USS General Black to Boston.


Deactivation (19 August 1945 - 25 November 1945)

The 30th Infantry Division deactivated at Ft. Jackson, S.C. on 25 November 1945.



Additional Pages (Click Below)


117th Infantry Regiment's Military Personnel Records Destroyed

Order of Battle for the 30th Infantry Division

Campaigns in European Theater of War

Significant Combat Events of the 117th Infantry Regiment

Capture of Lieutenant General Kurt von Dittmar
From Normandy to the Elbe Booklet
Sgt. Frank DeClerck - Prayer Going Into Battle

K Company Roster - 117th Infantry Regiment - June 1944 - August 1945

117th Infantry Regiment at the Battle of the Bulge
117th Infantry Regiment World War II Photos
Combat History of First Lieutenant Cyril B. Spicer of the 117th Infantry Regiment
The Breakers,  1942-1943 Yearbook of the 117th Infantry Regiment
Memorial to Corporal Joseph Stanley Jeglinski of  K Company


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© Copyrighted 2007 by Darrel R Hagberg. All rights reserved.

Moline, Illinois U.S.A.

February 24, 2023

Contact darrelrhagberg@gmail.com for more information