History of The United States Army's 117th Infantry Regiment

30th Infantry Division




Name Rank

Army Serial Number



Locke, William L. First Lieutenant O - 1 315 180 117th M
Stout, Joseph S. Private First Class 35 806 974 117th F
Sippola, John Herman Private First Class 39 408 250 117th  
Haynes, Carl H. Staff Sergeant 38 292 192 117th A
Jurowitz, Samuel E. Private First Class 33 805 135 117th K
Spicer, Cyril First Lieutenant O - 559 315 117th  
Jeglinski, Joseph Stanley Private First Class 36 963 347 117th K

Note: Family and Friends may add a memorial to this page by sending an Email to Lt D. R. Hagberg, USNR Ret. (See contact information below).

Provide as much information as possible.



Additional Pages (Click Below)


117th Infantry Regiment's Military Personnel Records Destroyed

Order of Battle for the 30th Infantry Division

Campaigns in European Theater of War

Significant Combat Events of the 117th Infantry Regiment

Capture of Lieutenant General Kurt von Dittmar
From Normandy to the Elbe Booklet
Sgt. Frank DeClerck - Prayer Going Into Battle

K Company Roster - 117th Infantry Regiment - June 1944 - August 1945

117th Infantry Regiment at the Battle of the Bulge
117th Infantry Regiment World War II Photos
The Breakers,  1942-1943 Yearbook of the 117th Infantry Regiment




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© Copyrighted 2007 by Darrel R Hagberg. All rights reserved.

Moline, Illinois U.S.A.

Updated August 20, 2024

Contact darrelrhagberg@gmail.com for more information