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Moline High School Class Of 1961

"The First Class Reunion Site on the Internet in the Quad-Cities and one of the First in the Nation!"




Our 60th Class Reunion Was Held On May 6,2023


The 60th Anniversary Class Reunion held at Oakwood Country Club in Coal Valley, Illinois. 


Our reunion on May 6 at Oakwood Country Club was a great success. We had 65 people in attendance. Here is a photo of the group:





Your Reunion Committee

Top (Left to Right): Sue Osborne Eslick (Texas) and Karen McCandless McCright (Texas).Standing (Left to Right): Ron Crouch, Bob Lagerblade, Dennis Fowler, Marjorie Carpenter Bisschop,  and Darrel Hagberg. Seated (Left to Right): Tom Acuff, Leslie Gramkow Hogan, Larry Wiemers (Chairman), John Corelis and Linda Gustafson Czupka

Our 75th Birthday Party Was a Winner!

75th Birthday Party - Parkside Grill and Lounge, 2307 - 5th Avenue, Moline, Illinois, August 11, 2018.

We had a small turnout for our 75th birthday party (44 happy people), but everyone still had a great time. The Parkside Grill and Lounge also did a superb job with our small group. The Parkside was renovated from the "Parkside Tavern" and still retains some of its old charm.


See our photos (Click Here)


Past Reunions

Photos from many of our past reunions are available. The photo file has been updated recently with photos from our 75th Birthday Party. We are still looking for photos from are very early reunions. Please submit to Darrel Hagberg at darrelrhagberg@gmail.com

Click here to view the photos.


In Memoriam

There are 187 classmates that have passed. We remember our passed classmates on our Deceased Classmate Page (See Below). If you are aware of other classmates that have passed, then please let us know so that we can remember them as well. We apologize for any oversights in this regard.

Your Committee

Also, we always welcome new members on our committee. Let us know if you are interested.

Remember to keep us updated on your address and on your E-mail. If you are having health problems, please have a family member or a friend contact us. We would like to know. After all, we are part of your family too!

You may contact your committee at anytime at: MHS Class of 1961 Reunion Committee.


Thank you for your support,

Larry Wiemers, Chairperson


Join "Facebook" today to keep up with the latest news. Send us a friends request. Our Facebook page has gone private from public to reduce or eliminate the recent Spam attacks. Please let us know if you continue to have problems.



Moline High School Class Of 1961 Web Pages


Yearbook Photographs Deceased Classmates Recent Passings55th  CommitteeEvents

 Addresses E-mail25th Reunion 30th Reunion 35th Reunion

40th Reunion 45th Reunion 50th Reunion55th Reunion60th Reunion

Memory Lane - 50's & 60's Magic Moments Midi Music Files Quad-Cities PagesLocal High Schools

50's - 60's Nostalgia Hits of 1961  Old MolineNewsClassmate Home Pages




Current Moline High School Class Web Pages

Moline Class of 1953  Moline Class of 1962 Moline Class of 1965Moline Class of 1968 \



For comments or suggestions, please contact Darrel Hagberg, MHS Class of 1961

Email Address: darrelrhagberg@gmail.com

Copyright © 2002 Moline High School Class of 1961
All rights reserved.
Updated on  March 7, 2025