Moline High School Class Of 1961
Classmate Yearbook Photos - E through G
Left to Right: Gloria Ecker, Lawrence Edwards, Jack Ellett, Thomas
Engvall, Colleen Ericson, Mark Ervin, Karon Erwin, and Mark Evans
Left To Right: Rosemary Fanning, Roine Fanth, Ronald Faust, Sharon
Feers, Susan Felsman, Scott Ferguson, Phillip Finck, and LeRoy Finke
Left To Right: Leslie Finkel, James Fitzpatrick, Peggy Flenker, William
Flick, Alan Ford, Janalee Forest, Rebecca Fors, and Margaret Forsberg
Left To Right: Mary Jo Forslund, Kathleen Forsyth, Dennis Fowler,
Janice Frazelle, Sharon Froyd, Janet Freeman, Robert Fuller, Dennis Gaddey, and Patricia
Left To Right: Nancy Gapis, Margie Garmon, Roger Genn, Ronald Gibb,
Larry Gibbs, Michael Gibson, Barbara Giles, Wayne Gillman, and Richard Goepel
Left To Right: Donald Gordon, Leslie Gramkow, Michael Gravitt, James
Greenwald, Richard Gregson, David Griffin, Carol Grill, and Sharon Groene
Left To Right: Diana Guild, Linda Gull, John Gurrad, Annette Guss, Paul
Guss, Linda Gustafson, Brian Gustafson, and Doris Guyton
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Copyright © 2002 Moline High
School Class of 1961
All rights reserved.
Updated on January 28, 2006