Charles MEINHART -- to -- Merovaeus MEROVEE
Clodoreius MEROVIGIAN -- to -- Morfudd Verch MEURIG
Parthenia MEWBORN -- to -- Living MILLER
Lucy Almeda MILLER -- to -- Hannah MITCHELL
John MITCHELL -- to -- Rhodri MOLWYNOG
Ellen MOLYNEUX -- to -- Margaret MOODY
Richard MOODY -- to -- Francis Delos MOREY
Freddie Ray MORGAN -- to -- Edah MORRELL
Eleanor MORRELL -- to -- John MORRELL (Jr.)
John MORRELL -- to -- Patience MORRELL
Peace MORRELL -- to -- Timothy MORRELL
Timothy MORRELL -- to -- Mary MORTON
Mary MORTON -- to -- Fanny MOSLEY
Florence MOSLEY -- to -- Marcelus MUMBLOWER
MURPHY -- to -- Inez MURREY
MUSGRAVE -- to -- Hersinda N
Odda N -- to -- Robert NAVARRE
Living NAZAROTH -- to -- Leonard Amandus NELSON
Living NELSON -- to -- Alettia NEWMAN
Arminia Russel NEWMAN -- to -- Hannah NICHOLS
John NICHOLS -- to -- Emma of NORMANDY
Emma Of NORMANDY -- to -- Mary NORTH
Mary NORTH -- to -- Living NOWITZKE
Living NOWITZKE -- to -- Living O'DAY
Living O'DAY -- to -- Unk Dau OF ASSABRAG
Childebrand OF AUSTRASIA -- to -- Ealhswith OF THE GAINI
Antedios Mandubratius OF THE ICENI -- to -- Jöns OLOFSSON
UP ( - Sylvia ZORN )
BACK (Edith Josephine MCLAUGHLIN - Rachel MEEK )
NEXT (Living OLSSON - Living REID )